Depending on the cylinder cover type and condition, we implement various processes and repair work. After cleaning the cylinder cover at our factory grounds, we assign and stamp a unique reference number to ensure future tracking. An inspection report (containing information and photos) is completed and sent to the client for approval of the reconditioning work advised by our engineers. Upon approval, we proceed with the reconditioning process, which includes:
of cast iron covers for four-stoke engines (main and auxiliary) usually
requires the repair of cracks and a change of valve seats. After detecting and
opening of all cracks, if the area of the crack allows it, we apply metal-stitching/metal-locking.
Other cracks require welding by using Ni-alloys.
If the holes of the seats are needed, they are rebuilt and machined to the original or repair size. The cylinder cover is then reassembled with new valve seats (via liquid nitrogen cooling). If the guides and worn-out, we replace them with new ones.
If genuine valve seats and guides were not supplied, we make new parts according to drawings.